Muslim Names Saffa and Hashir
As Muslims, we need to know that the names we choose for naming our children should be well researched. The names chosen today are from the Muslim Baby girl names and the Muslim baby boy names that are Saffa and Aashir
The Muslim name Saffa is derived from the two mountains in the holy city of Makkah. A name coming from such a pious ... Read more
Muslim Names Aaidah and Aaban
During the Islamic names quest of your little one, you have a lot of options to choose from. You also have to be very particular about the right meaning, the origin, its authenticity, and the way one will pronounce it. To ease your difficulty we are here to introduce you to two new Muslim baby names. Here you will be facilitated with two Islamic ... Read more
Muslim Name Aidah and Its details
No matter what we are talking about, we always look for newness and trends. This is why when we are looking up for Muslim baby names for our children. So when you are not sure about what name you should choose for your child then the internet is one of the most helpful ways to find out new names. Just in case, we need to know the authenticity of ... Read more
Muslim Baby Girl Name Hadiya and Naming Details
It is an utter gift from the Almighty when people are blessed with children. It is considered that when Allah is happy with his people, they are blessed in one way or the other from Allah. As when it comes to children, there can nothing be better than this. Soon after children are born, the need of Muslim baby names becomes necessary as ... Read more


of Allah:
We have 99 names of Allah on our we site. Allah's names are added with meanings.
It is a great blessing to read and remember Allah's name by heart. Allah's name, when used
for human beings, should start with Abdul.


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