Having a baby is a beautiful experience and having a baby boy is more beautiful than that. If Allah Almighty has blessed you with a beautiful baby boy. Congratulations! Now you must be looking for Muslim baby names to choose a name for him? An Islamic name to give his identity for life right? We have help for you in our website. Here you will find tons of names with all their characteristics. Let us quote some examples.

Ali - Ali is among the popular Muslim boy names. Ali name originated from the Arabic language and it means High, elevated and champion. There are days which are considered lucky according to the names. The lucky days for Ali are Tuesday and Thursday. It’s lucky number is red and violet and it’s lucky metals are copper and iron. The lucky number for Ali is 2 and the lucky stone of it is Ruby..
Mughees - Mughees means Succourer. The lucky number which is associated with this name is 2. Its lucky days are Friday and Monday. The lucky colour for Mughees is blue, green and white. It’s lucky stone is Emerald and it’s lucky metal is Silver.

Esa– among Muslim boy names Esa is also famous. Esa is also the name of one of our beloved prophet. Esa means desirable. This name belongs to Arabic language. It’s lucky number is 6. The lucky days which are associated with this name are Sunday and Tuesday. It’s lucky colours are red and light green. It’s lucky stone is Topaz and the lucky metal which is associated with Esa is Copper.
These are some examples from our website. There are many other Islamic names in our website and you can choose Muslim baby boy names of your choice from here. Feel free to pay a visit to our webpage MuslimBabyNames.net.