Birth is always a matter of celebration for Muslim parents. A child born of wedlock is welcomed with open arms and when it’s a boy the celebration gets doubled but naming a child isn’t that easy. Selecting a name for your child means that you are selecting an identity for him for the rest of his life and that’s why great care is needed. Choosing a Muslim baby name for a Muslim baby boy is a matter of great importance for Muslim parents. They can’t overlook certain things like the name should be an Islamic name and that it should be suitable for a Muslim baby boy.

Muslim parents have some conveniences available to them like they can consult a religious scholar and ask for guidance in regard of choosing an Islamic name for the boy. They can take help from the holy book Quran. They can name the Muslim baby boy after Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They can name the boy after the companions and descendants of Holy prophet and not just this. Muslim parents can name the Muslim baby boy after certain names of Allah as well.
Certain areas are forbidden when you are naming your Muslim baby boy and they are.
1 ) You can’t name your boy after angles.
2) You can’t name your boy after kuffaar.
3) You can’t name your boy after idols and false Gods.
4) You can’t choose an alluring and provocative name for your boy.
5) it is also immoral to choose an English or Hindu name for your boy.
6) You can’t name your boy after animals.

Once you choose the Muslim baby boy Name see how it sounds. If it sounds good to your ears keep it otherwise there are plenty of other options which can be availed to name your boy.. While naming your baby boy it is also important to consider that the name of your choice shouldn’t be too heavy for him. Always remember that names have effects on the psyche of a child so always choose names which are pleasant to hear and light for your baby boy.