Names are believed to be a very crucial source of knowledge and information. When a person is named, it specifies his ethnicity, gender, nationality, position in the society and other related things. These naming ways and practices are different all over the world and the religions as well. Hence, when we are to keep names for our children, we need to see what belongings we are owing to.

Since we are Muslims we have to abide by our religion and keep Islamic names for our children as it is obligatory for all of us. Before discussing about the Muslim baby names, we have to take a general view of the modern Muslim baby names that are kept around the globe.
The first rule is mostly the combination of the name itself and the sir name. It is important to have a sir name attached to the name as well which helps as a person to be recognized here in the world. Also, Muslims are aware of the fact that they will be called by their father’s name one the day if judgment. Allah sure has reasons for all his deeds.

Also on our website, you can easily find Muslim baby girl names and Muslim baby boy names for your ease along with their meanings and origin. When we call out popular Muslim baby names, it is made really clear that we belong to the Islamic background and that becomes our identity. In a similar way, names are a huge source to know the person’s important details and his identification details. This is the only way when you meet a person, his name is the first indication to know about the targeted person. For this reason, parents should really pay keen observation in order to choose the correct name for their child.