Allah blesses every human being with their child at a point in their life. A baby is Allah’s favor in the life of a couple. Giving birth to a new life and taking care of it for the rest of your life no matter what the circumstances are is the real love that one can ever give to someone. This is the reason why our beloved Almighty and our Prophets have set a high rank of every parent. Respect, love, integrity, and loyalty are the most important principles that a person should follow in regards to their parents.
After the birth of a baby, there is some certain sunnah that Muslims have to follow. One of the main sunnah is giving a meaningful and Islamic name to the baby for the identification of the particular human being.

According to Islam, people should search for a particular name that they are planning to call their baby with. A word has different meanings in every other language. So, it is better to have proper research and idea about the name just in case that specific word would not be meaningless.
One of the popular Muslim boy names is Aahil, which means a prince. Aahil is an Arabic word but it is not in our Holy book Quran. Though this is a meaningful word and it is preferred as a boy’s name. Aahil is a great name for a baby boy. The literal meaning if this word is a leader. A person named Aahil is a great leader, a king who can rule the world and one who can guide someone. A person who has the qualities to make people follow a certain instruction. There are possibilities that the boy named Aahil can rule the world too. Someone who can instruct and inform people about the right path.