A child’s birth is always so dreamy but realistic for the parents. Children are Allah’s blessing upon a human. Whether it’s a girl or a boy, it is always the best feeling for the parents to welcome a new chapter into their lives. With the birth of a baby, it is very important to look after the child with proper care and time. The significance of the upbringing and their education has always been the priority. Islam has preferred to treat children with love and kindness and the one who does not follow this, won’t belong to Muslims.

Muslim baby name should always be a meaningful word and the baby should be named within the first seven days of the child’s birth which is known as Aqiqah but it is not mandatory to name the child within seven days. One can take their proper time to think and search about their child's name. As a sign of respect and love, Muslims prefer using Popular Muslim baby names for their children within the limit of seven days that is Aqiqah because it is a sunnah of our last prophet Muhammad SAW. The name-giving ceremony has great importance in our religion. If someone is having some difficulty in naming their child, they can take their time for it. Our religion is so easy that it seeks our feasibility in all life’s situations.
Burhan is one of the Muslim baby boy names and an Arabic word that means evidence or demonstration. The evidence of Allah’s greatness and oneness. Burhan is one of the names of our holy book. It is such a beautiful name for a Muslim boy. He is the one who provides evidence and guides people towards Allah’s oneness and power. What can be a more beautiful name than Burhan which means he is the one who serves the identity and completeness of our Allah Almighty.