Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked parents or guardians to give honorable names to their kids. He likewise taught the parents to change the names if they later observe the meanings to be unimportant or unpleasant. Indeed, even the researcher and veterans say that the name of a man impacts his character.
In Islamic society, it is additionally prescribed to respect the prophets of God by naming the youngsters after them. Such names won't simply convey favors to the kid, however will likewise move him to have an exemplary existence. It clarifies the popularity of the name Muhammad on the planet.

Finding a Muslim baby name that satisfies every one of these characteristics won't be simple. What's more, it's the website will go to your guide. The following is our far reaching gathering of intriguing and infectious Islamic baby names with the meanings.
Top Muslim Boy Names this Week starting with A
Aabid Worshipper, adorer.
Aadhil Honorable Judge, One who Jugdes Fairly.
Aaqif Devoted to, Dedicated.
Aasim Protector
Asad Lion
Asghar Younger, smaller, minute.
Ataullah Gift of Allah.
Athar Purer, more virtuous, most pious
Ayaan Gift of God
Azim Might, magnificent, glorious, great, dignified,

Top Muslim Girls Names this week starting with A
Aabroo Fame, Honour, Dignity
Aafreen Stimulation, encouragement
Aaiza Arabic for replacement, a gift from Allah.
Abyan Clear, Eloquent, Lucid and Distinct.
Adifaah Acute, Dare, Talented, Smart.
Afrah Pl. of Farah, joy, happiness.
Afza Increase, augmentation.
Aimen Brave, fearless, lucky, right hand.
Ajia Superb, Wonderful.
Alesha Protected by God.