In Islam, the rights and all the regulations for all the women are equal to men and they are considered to be treated equally as men are in the society. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) was himself blessed with the gift of daughters and he raised them pretty well along with giving them beautiful Muslim baby girl name and giving them all the rights they deserved. He rightly said that those people who would raise daughter very well and provide them all basic necessities of lives will stand at a finger distance from the Prophet (peace be upon him)
On our website, we keep updating popular Muslim baby names with accurate details and significant meanings so that you can easily choose the best names for your child and have no second thoughts about it.

For the same reason, today we are here to give you an insight into another Islamic name and that is Aidah. Aidah is meant to be for the daughters of Isam and have multiple meanings to its sense. The first meaning to it is reward and present which comes with a positive connotation; also this name is of one of the significant narrators of Hadith in the Islamic history which make sit from one the modern Muslim names.

The name Aidha belongs to the Arabic origin and people can easily take it up for their babies without a second thought. Friday and Saturday are lucky days for this choice of name from the Muslim baby names. Blue and Aqua are belonging to the same color family and are considered to bring luck and fortune to the person with this name. All these details are being shared as we know that astrology plays an important part of human nature.