Most of the time, when they are expecting their child is very keen to keep good names for their children once they are born. In this quest, they think of a hundred names that they think will suit their child. What we need to keep in mind is that the names are somehow linked to the birth details as well which then also makes the astrological details as well. Also that some names which people have already thought of before birth don't really suit the child. They keep the names but eventually have to change them as they tend not to be appropriate for the child.

Islamic names are most of the time taken from the Holy Quran as that is one of the most authentic sources of names for the children, it consists of names of the prophets, pious ladies, sahaba, and the Almighty's favorite people. Most of them are Arabic originated and have also been chosen because of their good meanings. Also, the fact that the Quran has Allah Almighty and the Prophet's (peace be upon him ) name in the front and back of most of the copies.
These can be kept as Muslim boy names without a doubt. there are places where most of the names are for the reference of the disbelievers and you can ask it from a knower of the religion for better guidelines. In case you end up choosing a name that was not appropriate for the child then you can also change it right away by having a look at the Holy Book for basic guidance and even Popular Muslim baby names. You can refer to our website for the later reasons as we have compiled all the names that will be suitable for Muslim children.