Muslims are of the strong belief that whenever they have to work upon something in their life, they always will take the directions that Allah Almighty has set because that is the only way one can succeed in life and hereafter. All the little things matter quite a lot because they can ultimately affect they can then help you quiet better in your life.
Allah Almighty had even named all of his messengers, which he sent, with names that had good meanings and all of those qualities were present in them as well. These names can now be used as Muslim baby names with the thought of having the qualities to be found in the child. There is always a fair chance that people tend to find names that were popular in Islamic history which will make the child be responsible enough of the name.

The name chosen today is from the Muslim boy names is Ibrahim. It was the name of one of the closest messengers of Allah Almighty who created history in Islam by making a big sacrifice and ended up being of the most popular tradition in the Muslim history
The name Ibrahim means the father of the nation because he led Muslims to know the accrual meaning of sacrifice and love for the Almighty. The name belongs from Arabic origin considering its Islamic history. The number 7 is considered as the lucky number because we believe that names are linked to the facts linked to it. The purpose of finding out lucky days or names is that you always get to have the chance to link them in your daily life and amplify its benefits. Thursday and Monday are considered as the lucky days for this name