Muslim Name Aneesa
Having the right names continues to have its impact all his life. This gives them the perfect sense of recognition. This has a lot to do with the meaning and the context of the name. First of all, we see that most names are related to their own backgrounds. So whenever we hear a name from the Arabic or related origin, it becomes obvious that the ... Read more
Muslim Name Basma and Its Details
The Muslim girl name Basma is one of the beautiful names out of the collection. Choosing good Islamic names for your children is very important. If you use better names this will most importantly help them understand its meaning better and choose to spend a better life i ... Read more
Importance of Muslim Names in the Light of Surnames
The drift of surname has been from the most antique times known to the human beings, the world began when Hazrat Adam and his wife were born who were also named with Islamic names, following that their sons were born and maintenance for the human beings was started, from whom took place the beginning of many new ethnicities and religions. All re ... Read more
Muslim Baby Name Hibah
The important thing that matters while you name your child is the accuracy that the name is acceptable in Islam or not. We know as Muslims that Allah Almighty has set up rules in all walks of life for Muslims to follow that path and be able to produce better and good outcomes in all ways.
When this part goes wrong, some people are ve ... Read more
Muslim Names Aaidah and Aaban
During the Islamic names quest of your little one, you have a lot of options to choose from. You also have to be very particular about the right meaning, the origin, its authenticity, and the way one will pronounce it. To ease your difficulty we are here to introduce you to two new Muslim baby names. Here you will be facilitated with two Islamic ... Read more
Islamic Name Abirah and its details
With the increase in the trend of having everything with a new twist, people are eager to have trendy and new Muslim baby names for their children as well. To be very precise, people actually put in the effort of finding new and catchy names for their children in order to fit in the bandwagon of having an x-factor in the names ... Read more
Modern Muslim Baby Names of your Choice
Your names are one of the most important parts of your life. They are actually playing a very huge part in your personality building. You need to know that your names have a big impact on your life as when your name is not kept properly, its wrong meaning will directly impact your own stars. Muslim ... Read more
Find Muslim Baby Girl Names on our Website
Islam has a set of rules for almost all the circles of life for all Muslims. It has made clear that the women have to have all the rights the society which they are supposed to get. Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him ) has also been mentioning that those who have daughters are supposed to bring them up well.
"The person who is p ... Read more


of Allah:
We have 99 names of Allah on our we site. Allah's names are added with meanings.
It is a great blessing to read and remember Allah's name by heart. Allah's name, when used
for human beings, should start with Abdul.


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