Muslim Name Aneesa
Having the right names continues to have its impact all his life. This gives them the perfect sense of recognition. This has a lot to do with the meaning and the context of the name. First of all, we see that most names are related to their own backgrounds. So whenever we hear a name from the Arabic or related origin, it becomes obvious that the ... Read more
Muslim Name Wajahat and Related Details
God has blessed us with all of the possible blessings and we are thankful for it as well but when one is blessed with the gift of children, there is no other feeling which can beat it, as a matter of fact, we do everything for them to provide with the best. Naming your child has to be at the top of this list as it makes them confident and a sens ... Read more
Muslim Name Aafiyah A Name from Different Languages
Our language Urdu is mostly a mixture of many other languages and the words derived to make it a very versatile language. There is an amalgam of Persian, Arabic, Iranian, and what not. Words from all these languages come mix together and form words that we can collectively understand from other languages as well. In the same way, some Read more
Muslim Baby Girl Name Mantasha
Muslim names are mostly linked to the Arabic rotes and they are supposed o be meaningful. If we look back into the history of Islam, it is evident that all the names that were kept for the children were ruled out on the same basis. Being Muslims we have to keep up with these particular sayings from Allah Almighty as keep us on the right track bu ... Read more
Muslim Baby Name Aaidah and Its Meaning
Being called by a name in your society is what helps you to be recognized among the lot. In most cases, the origin of your name helps people recognize by which religion you belong, and being Muslims, we feel proud that the society in which we move, recognizes our ethnicity. Muslims are supposed to choose names that match their religion’s g ... Read more
Muslim Baby Name Aahil
Allah blesses every human being with their child at a point in their life. A baby is Allah’s favor in the life of a couple. Giving birth to a new life and taking care of it for the rest of your life no matter what the circumstances are is the real love that one can ever give to someone. This is the reason why our beloved Almighty and our P ... Read more
Daughters are the blessing of Allah as Hazrat Ali (RA) said
“ Daughters are advantages and sons are graces. You will be rewarded for the advantages and asked for the sons. “
One has to be careful with the upbringing of a daughter because they need love, ... Read more
Muslim Baby Girl Name Alisha
In today’s world of affirmations, people are in constant need of having the best even when it comes to your name. Most people even tend to change their names if they don’t like it or have the thought to change it to fit in. hence it is the responsibility of the parent to choose good Read more
Muslim Baby Name Burhan
A child’s birth is always so dreamy but realistic for the parents. Children are Allah’s blessing upon a human. Whether it’s a girl or a boy, it is always the best feeling for the parents to welcome a new chapter into their lives. With the birth of a baby, it is very important to look after the child with proper care and time. T ... Read more
Muslim Name Shireen and It's Meaning
Muslims are known in society from their names and that is what makes them different. Muslim baby names, either from Islamic history or derived out of the related origins of the Arabic language. They are always coherent to Muslim history. Most parents choose names for their babies from the books of Islam because they have good meanings and are ap ... Read more
Muslim Name Khadeejah And Its Meaning
Allah has plenty of stuff that He bestowed upon people and we need to be thankful for all the things he has given us. The most important among them is the children that he sends which becomes a sign that Allah almighty is happy from us and he has given his consent of happiness through it. In order to be fully thankful for what he has given, we n ... Read more
Muslim Name Basma and Its Details
The Muslim girl name Basma is one of the beautiful names out of the collection. Choosing good Islamic names for your children is very important. If you use better names this will most importantly help them understand its meaning better and choose to spend a better life i ... Read more
Muslim Names Saffa and Hashir
As Muslims, we need to know that the names we choose for naming our children should be well researched. The names chosen today are from the Muslim Baby girl names and the Muslim baby boy names that are Saffa and Aashir
The Muslim name Saffa is derived from the two mountains in the holy city of Makkah. A name coming from such a pious ... Read more
Muslim Name Inshara and Its details
One can never be enough thanks to all the blessings of Allah. The most important and beautiful blessings of Almighty are ones' children. Children are the continuation of their parent's ancestry. It is obligatory in Islam to raise children properly and it is the responsibility of the parents to do so. Children are honest and most beautifu ... Read more
Muslim Name Haya With Details
We can never emphasize enough on the importance of the birth of a girl child taking notes of their caring nature and the way they consider little details to benefit their parents. Narrowing it down to the religion Islam, there are way higher stakes for the daughters as they are given proper rights right after they are born and throughout their l ... Read more
Muslim Baby Name Hibah
The important thing that matters while you name your child is the accuracy that the name is acceptable in Islam or not. We know as Muslims that Allah Almighty has set up rules in all walks of life for Muslims to follow that path and be able to produce better and good outcomes in all ways.
When this part goes wrong, some people are ve ... Read more
Muslim Names Aaidah and Aaban
During the Islamic names quest of your little one, you have a lot of options to choose from. You also have to be very particular about the right meaning, the origin, its authenticity, and the way one will pronounce it. To ease your difficulty we are here to introduce you to two new Muslim baby names. Here you will be facilitated with two Islamic ... Read more
Islamic Name Abirah and its details
With the increase in the trend of having everything with a new twist, people are eager to have trendy and new Muslim baby names for their children as well. To be very precise, people actually put in the effort of finding new and catchy names for their children in order to fit in the bandwagon of having an x-factor in the names ... Read more
What Should We Look Into While Keeping Names
In the old times, back to Arab dominance, we had seen that there was not much concern shown towards names. Even the Muslims back then would keep random Muslim names without being much considerate of what and how will the name impact the child. Followed by that, there was not much enlighten ... Read more
Choose Popular Muslim Baby Names
Your names become the identity of you in society. No matter what religion you belong to, there is a specific set of rules that you should be following when you keep your names. When you meet new people, you instantly get to have an idea of their ethnicity with the choice of names they have been bestowed with. From Christians, Jews to Hindus, we ... Read more
Choose Worthy Islamic Names For Your Child
Names become a very important part of one's life as they have to be with the person all their lives. Even if the name is good or bad, it always impacts them in the same way. Muslim baby names are supposed to be kept with the very careful inspection as they make a very prominent stance ... Read more
Muslim Baby Name Akia and the Meaning
People are least interested in Muslim baby girl names and randomly name their daughters. At this point, they don't realize that the names may become toxic for the child and might not adjust well. If we see back into the history of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad made sure that ... Read more
Find Muslim Baby Girl Names on our Website
Islam has a set of rules for almost all the circles of life for all Muslims. It has made clear that the women have to have all the rights the society which they are supposed to get. Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him ) has also been mentioning that those who have daughters are supposed to bring them up well.
"The person who is p ... Read more
Muslim Name Aidah and Its details
No matter what we are talking about, we always look for newness and trends. This is why when we are looking up for Muslim baby names for our children. So when you are not sure about what name you should choose for your child then the internet is one of the most helpful ways to find out new names. Just in case, we need to know the authenticity of ... Read more
Muslim Name Ameer and It's Pairing
In Muslim society, there are particular trends that get along with the naming system for the Muslims. For example, when it comes to the Muslim baby girl names, most of us put the names along with Fatima as that was the name of our Holy Prophet ( Peace be upon him ). She was pious and of course from one of the people of Allah. It is believed that ... Read more
Muslim Name Afreen and Its Meaning
Just as Muslim daughters are beautiful, their names need to be beautiful as well. Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) paid special attention to the names of his daughters and made sure that all of them are meaningful and they sound beautiful as well.
So when we follow his rules and take his guidance then we have to seek him as well i ... Read more
Popular Muslim Baby Names
It has almost become a trend to name children according to modern traditional norms. In this way, most people are into finding out Islamic names that are unique and which sound different. In the hurry to give children good names, people mostly forget to look into the meanings of the names. So when a name that has very difficult pronunci ... Read more
Muslim Baby Names and Their Choice
Muslims have been careful with the naming of their children generally, keeping in mind that Allah Almighty has regarded with a few sets of rules. This, in turn, impacts human beings on their personality in a good way. If you choose Positive Muslim baby names for your children then it will bring prosperity and a good omen for your children.
... Read more
Muslim Baby Name Bushra and its Lucky Associations
Each Muslim baby name comes with a particular meaning and history that it keeps along with it. Being Muslims, we should know that all these names are very important according to their history and nature because they ultimately affect the child's personality. Some names that are of the pious people in the history of Islam, they are always prefer ... Read more
Muslim Names According To Ethnicity
Being part of a society belonging to any religion, you are named accordingly. Your names have to be your identity in the society. This is why Muslims can not choose the names of any other religion. Apart from the fact that names with not good enough meaning can be affecting a person's personality but also that having a name from another orig ... Read more
Muslim Baby Girl Name Hadiya and Naming Details
It is an utter gift from the Almighty when people are blessed with children. It is considered that when Allah is happy with his people, they are blessed in one way or the other from Allah. As when it comes to children, there can nothing be better than this. Soon after children are born, the need of Muslim baby names becomes necessary as ... Read more
Muslim Baby name Ahad as Allah's name
As a symbol of Muslim recognition, it needs to be understood that we need to keep those Islamic names with very much care and concern so they shine out. This will help to let people know that they are kept after proper research and care. As parents, it becomes your responsibility that you keep names. There are two main reasons, number one that a ... Read more
What Are The Basic Rules of Naming a Muslim Child?
The concept of Islamic names having good meaning and proper astrological details is very important and discussed a lot. This is because Allah Almighty does not oblige you to choose particular names rather any name of your own choice can be kept. But the problem is that in this quest, the popular Muslim baby names are chosen which do not have a p ... Read more
How Muslim Baby Names Affect The Child
There is a misconception among Muslims that they can only keep names that are in the Quran or the ones that have been mentioned in the history of Islam. Allah Almighty has put a free hand in almost all the dealings of life let alone choosing Muslim baby names. There are only a few things that y ... Read more
Muslim Baby Girl Name Hareem and its Details
Islamic names are required to be appropriate in all manners when it comes to spellings, origin, meaning and all the minute details. A slight change in the spelling be it in Urdu or English can drastically change the meaning of the name and can be bad for the child's personality. So Muslim baby names should be looked into. Today's name is Ha ... Read more
Keeping Muslim Baby Names
So for the most modern days, all of us are in the race to get the best Islamic names for our children and parents have been seen to research for their baby names as the modern era requires to be the most updated. But in this case, when it comes to Muslim baby names, the requirements are to keep good names, that have good meanings, proper Islamic ... Read more
Rules to Change Islamic Names
Islam ensure that all his followers' safety is protected. Through Allah Almighty's sayings in Quran and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him ) actions, it is made clear to Muslims what to do in life and whatnot, in order to save them from all the harms in life and hereafter. Even the prohibitions in Islam have been proved by Science as we ... Read more
Popular Islamic Names Kept For Daughters
In Islam, the rights and all the regulations for all the women are equal to men and they are considered to be treated equally as men are in the society. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) was himself blessed with the gift of daughters and he raised them pretty well along with giving them beautiful Muslim baby girl name and giving them all ... Read more
Eliza Name meaning and Personality Details
Meaning of Eliza: Unique, precious.
Personality Details:
Muslims with name Eliza have the impact of material accomplishment on any people who have this number in their name. In this manner, these persons have fortunes in fiscal term. They are probably going to gain a ton of cash in their live ... Read more
Naming children with Great Meaning is Important
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked parents or guardians to give honorable names to their kids. He likewise taught the parents to change the names if they later observe the meanings to be unimportant or unpleasant. Indeed, even the researcher and veterans say that the name of a man impacts his character.
In Islamic society, it is additio ... Read more
Popular Muslim Boys and Girls Names with Good Meanings
Our website (Muslimbabynames.net) is a great source of finding Muslim and Islamic Baby names for your kids. We have selected a long and reliable list of names for boys and girls, these names are from various origins and languages. According to Islam, a baby name can be from any area or language but it must have a good meaning attached to it. Wha ... Read more
Best Range of Muslim baby Girls Name
Our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"When Allah is happy from someone, He grants him with a daughter"
A daughter is the biggest gift granted by Allah to a family. They are considered as the flowers in a garden of life. No one can love a father more than a daughter. After considering this, we present you wi ... Read more
Choose Names of your Baby from Arabic Origin
People name their kids to distinguish them from others and to call them by their names. Islam is the religion of complete faith. It knows the effectiveness of names and their significance on a person's life. There are special instructions given in Islam on naming the child. The name given to the kid must be meaningful and beautiful.
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Select Arabic Names for Your New born Babies
For Muslims, it is a time to joy when when a baby boy or a girl is born by the grace of God. Children bring some cheerfulness but also certain obligations. The first most important thing to do after the child is born, is to give him/her a good Islamic name.
It is stated that the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "On the ... Read more
Check our New Range of Muslim Baby names
MuslimBabynames.net is now improving the collection of Islamic Names for your new born baby by suggesting you all the beautiful Islamic names for Boys and girls. All you have to do is catch into the Islamic name category of our website, choose Islamic names and you can now have a good impression of all the lovely Muslim names fo ... Read more


of Allah:
We have 99 names of Allah on our we site. Allah's names are added with meanings.
It is a great blessing to read and remember Allah's name by heart. Allah's name, when used
for human beings, should start with Abdul.


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