Muslim Names Saffa and Hashir
As Muslims, we need to know that the names we choose for naming our children should be well researched. The names chosen today are from the Muslim Baby girl names and the Muslim baby boy names that are Saffa and Aashir
The Muslim name Saffa is derived from the two mountains in the holy city of Makkah. A name coming from such a pious ... Read more
Names of Children from Different origin
Being Muslims comes with the major obligation of having to follow the rules and regulations of the Allah Almighty the way he has addressed his beings to live life on the Earth as there is no doubt that you can always put yourself away from the future repercussions if you follow all the rules that have been started by the Allah Almighty. So when ... Read more
Keep Muslim Names with Ease
In the modern world, parents are always at the hook to give their children the best, no matter how far they have to go for it. Starting from the time periods when he is a child to the days when the child has to come up to the adult life, all these things are looked after by the parents and amidst that, theRead more
Muslim Name Inshara and Its details
One can never be enough thanks to all the blessings of Allah. The most important and beautiful blessings of Almighty are ones' children. Children are the continuation of their parent's ancestry. It is obligatory in Islam to raise children properly and it is the responsibility of the parents to do so. Children are honest and most beautifu ... Read more
Muslim Name Haya With Details
We can never emphasize enough on the importance of the birth of a girl child taking notes of their caring nature and the way they consider little details to benefit their parents. Narrowing it down to the religion Islam, there are way higher stakes for the daughters as they are given proper rights right after they are born and throughout their l ... Read more
Name Your Child Abdullah
Islam is a beautiful religion with beautiful teachings and ways for people to live their lives. In the same way, when a new child is born, he needs to be given beautiful Muslim baby names that are meaningful and are relating to the Arabic roots so that there remains no chance for faults and problems when the child is actually going to live a lif ... Read more
Choose Islamic Names for your Children
Time is passing with the fastest pace one could even imagine and one has to be very quick at what they do, even when it comes to keeping Islamic names for your children. Once your child is born it is one of the biggest responsibilities to keep the names. Islam is one of the best religions in the world and makes sure that every ... Read more
Diverse Muslim Baby Name Anzala
It's easy to choose names for your children since they start looking for it ever since they get to know about it. The ones who are more concerned look for it right before time and go lengths in look for the Muslim baby names. The fact that names need a lot more care but are not that difficult to find. Even though Allah has set up the rules t ... Read more
Muslim Baby Name Akia and the Meaning
People are least interested in Muslim baby girl names and randomly name their daughters. At this point, they don't realize that the names may become toxic for the child and might not adjust well. If we see back into the history of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad made sure that ... Read more


of Allah:
We have 99 names of Allah on our we site. Allah's names are added with meanings.
It is a great blessing to read and remember Allah's name by heart. Allah's name, when used
for human beings, should start with Abdul.


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