Muslim Baby Names, Islamic names with meanings.



Change in Muslim Girl and Boy Names

Have you ever given your name a thought that is your name among the Islamic names? So when a child is named, it is seen that parents are very eager to keep the good names of their children. They go through several websites and pages that have content for the names of children. Most of the people look into names that are modern and seem new to he ... Read more

Popular Muslim Baby Names

It has almost become a trend to name children according to modern traditional norms. In this way, most people are into finding out Islamic names that are unique and which sound different. In the hurry to give children good names, people mostly forget to look into the meanings of the names. So when a name that has very difficult pronunci ... Read more

Muslim Name Adam and its History

Muslims should keep the names of their children in light of Islamic teachings. This is because you have to keep track of the fact that these names are chosen from a particular range of rules. If those rules are not abided by then Muslims can face consequences. In the same way, you should look for Islamic names from a particular collection of nam ... Read more

Muslim Baby Names and Their Choice

Muslims have been careful with the naming of their children generally, keeping in mind that Allah Almighty has regarded with a few sets of rules. This, in turn, impacts human beings on their personality in a good way. If you choose Positive Muslim baby names for your children then it will bring prosperity and a good omen for your children.
... Read more

Muslim Baby Name Bushra and its Lucky Associations

Each Muslim baby name comes with a particular meaning and history that it keeps along with it. Being Muslims, we should know that all these names are very important according to their history and nature because they ultimately affect the child's personality. Some names that are of the pious people in the history of Islam, they are always prefer ... Read more

Importance of Muslim Baby Name Background

Keeping the Muslim baby name is not at all difficult as we know that having a free hand at choosing something makes it easier. Even with the daily life actions, when you are given an open choice. Islam is not a religion that believes in forcing someone to do something. Even in the case of keeping Isl ... Read more

Muslim Names According To Ethnicity

Being part of a society belonging to any religion, you are named accordingly. Your names have to be your identity in the society. This is why Muslims can not choose the names of any other religion. Apart from the fact that names with not good enough meaning can be affecting a person's personality but also that having a name from another orig ... Read more

Muslim Baby Name Mustaghees And Details

In the Quran, there are several names for Muslims to keep for their children. They are referred to as the direct Quranic names. It is most valid to keep them as Muslim baby names as you do not have to spend a lot of time to research for them. Being within the holy book of Allah Almighty makes the name valid enough to be kept by Muslims. ... Read more

Muslim Baby Girl Name Hadiya and Naming Details

It is an utter gift from the Almighty when people are blessed with children. It is considered that when Allah is happy with his people, they are blessed in one way or the other from Allah. As when it comes to children, there can nothing be better than this. Soon after children are born, the need of Muslim baby names becomes necessary as ... Read more

Muslim Baby name Ahad as Allah's name

As a symbol of Muslim recognition, it needs to be understood that we need to keep those Islamic names with very much care and concern so they shine out. This will help to let people know that they are kept after proper research and care. As parents, it becomes your responsibility that you keep names. There are two main reasons, number one that a ... Read more

Defining Muslim Names as Identification in Society

Names in any culture give a sense of identification to human beings in any type of society. This leads them to have an identity by which they can be called out. In the same way, when a child is born in a Muslim family, they are given Islamic names. After they are sensible enough to know, they become a part of society. In this way, they are calle ... Read more

What Are The Basic Rules of Naming a Muslim Child?

The concept of Islamic names having good meaning and proper astrological details is very important and discussed a lot. This is because Allah Almighty does not oblige you to choose particular names rather any name of your own choice can be kept. But the problem is that in this quest, the popular Muslim baby names are chosen which do not have a p ... Read more

How Muslim Baby Names Affect The Child

There is a misconception among Muslims that they can only keep names that are in the Quran or the ones that have been mentioned in the history of Islam. Allah Almighty has put a free hand in almost all the dealings of life let alone choosing Muslim baby names. There are only a few things that y ... Read more

Muslim Baby Girl Name Hareem and its Details

Islamic names are required to be appropriate in all manners when it comes to spellings, origin, meaning and all the minute details. A slight change in the spelling be it in Urdu or English can drastically change the meaning of the name and can be bad for the child's personality. So Muslim baby names should be looked into. Today's name is Ha ... Read more

Muslim Girl Name Alima and The importance

In Islam, daughters have been given very higher ranks and our Prophet (Peace be upon him) was also blessed with many daughters. And he worked accordingly as Allah Almighty's sayings a names them with beautiful Muslim girl names. They were brought up very nicely and Prophet (Peace be upon him) got them married to good people. According to Islam, ... Read more

Keeping Muslim Baby Names

So for the most modern days, all of us are in the race to get the best Islamic names for our children and parents have been seen to research for their baby names as the modern era requires to be the most updated. But in this case, when it comes to Muslim baby names, the requirements are to keep good names, that have good meanings, proper Islamic ... Read more

Muslim Baby Names and Aqiqah

In our religion, Islam, there is a concept of reward either in the form of blessings or awards. The concept also leads to the facts that Allah Almighty will ask after his awards but his blessings are countless and will never be asked for. As Muslims, we believe that Allah Almighty has made daughters, blessings for us and they are the source of coun ... Read more

Rules to Change Islamic Names

Islam ensure that all his followers' safety is protected. Through Allah Almighty's sayings in Quran and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him ) actions, it is made clear to Muslims what to do in life and whatnot, in order to save them from all the harms in life and hereafter. Even the prohibitions in Islam have been proved by Science as we ... Read more

Non Quranic Muslim Boy Names and the Name Aaiz

In the Holy Quran, there have been some Islamic names mentioned which belonged to the Messengers of Allah Almighty, the angels, the people in the history of Islam. All these names are the Direct Quranic names which can easily be used as Muslim Baby Names. Such names do not necessarily have to be researched upon since they are from the a ... Read more

Muslim Names with respect to their Origins

It is a wrong conception that when we are to choose names for our children, the Muslim baby names have to be from the Arabic origin. People are very enthusiastic to name their children which are pleasant to hear and are also Islamic so that they can fulfill all the needs but fail to do so. This is because of the fact that in the race to choose a ... Read more

Naming Ceremony for Muslim Baby Names

The first step to fully embrace Islam are the ways how you lie on the path of the saying of Shariah and how well you are following them. Allah Almighty has been putting through his sayings that the best way to embrace all the goodness of Islam is by following the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his life for how he spent all the doings in his l ... Read more

Islamic Names as a Source of Identification

Names are believed to be a very crucial source of knowledge and information. When a person is named, it specifies his ethnicity, gender, nationality, position in the society and other related things. These naming ways and practices are different all over the world and the religions as well. Hence, when we are to keep names for our children, we n ... Read more

Popular Islamic Names Kept For Daughters

In Islam, the rights and all the regulations for all the women are equal to men and they are considered to be treated equally as men are in the society. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) was himself blessed with the gift of daughters and he raised them pretty well along with giving them beautiful Muslim baby girl name and giving them all ... Read more

Beautiful Muslim boy Name Azlan and Its Affects on Personality

We have been repeatedly stressing over the importance of the fact that Muslims should keep in the eye that the names have effects on a baby’s personality. If the Islamic name has good meanings which include the adjectives featuring good qualities than you should definitely, go for those names.

But if we believe that these Read more






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